Hi readers!
In these days, our class have done a team work and to put this work into practice, we have done some collaborative stories. We have worked in pairs and each pair have started a story and after finish the first paragraph, another pair will continue with the story. It has been a nice experience and we enjoyed a lot. Here you have Elene's and my story; it is a romantic story and it is about a homosexual girl with the confidence of changing the homosexual life and trying to become it something normal. The story isn't as we wanted but I think that all of us had worked very good and from my poin of view the result is also very good. I hope that you are going to enjoy reading this interesting story!
was a lovely day when lots of people gathered in favour of
homosexuality in London. All the population was excited at that day;
some of them were prepared to fight in favour of homosexuality and the
others were against it. There was a big group of people in the centre of
the square, shouting and defending their hard situation; there, around
the group of people, there was situated Gemma, a Bolivian woman who left
her town and arrived in London with the expectation of changing the
situation of homosexuality in the world.
was tall and thin, she looked like a model, and her hair was blonde and
curly. She was waiting to her girlfriend, Sarah, this was the contrary
of Gemma, she was little, her hair was black and straIght. Both, Gemma
and Sarah were in love, so they were prepared to get the homosexuality
be common. Sarah arrived to the Trafalgar Square ten minutes later than
the hour that they were going to meet. Gemma was starting to worry when
Sarah arrived.
Trafalgar Square was crowded of people who were fighting for the right
of the Homosexual people. Gemma was in the first line and Sarah was
crazily trying to find her couple. When the demonstration started, Gemma
got worried of her girlfriend while the police surrounded the square.
In that way, the people wouldn’t advance. The homo people started
shouting and pushing to the police. At first because the meeting for the
rights for the Homo people was legal, and suddenly it became illegal.
The police started hitting Gemma and she fell down hurt by a stone. She
wasn’t seen by anyone.
was completely worried, she didn’t know what to do. Later, she felt a
big explosion and before she could realize that the explosion was her
head, she made dizzy and fall in the raw floor of the hiding narrow
street located in the square. When she woke up Gemma was in the old room
of a road motel. She noticed that she hadn’t got anything that she
had the date before. She knew that her girlfriend didn’t carry her
there; so, she thought that somebody had kidnapped her. Quietly she took
the phone and she called to the police, also she tried to call to
Sarah. However, she didn’t get to speak as the telephone line was out of
Then a man appeared, he was tall, and he wore a black jacket. Gemma got paralyzed when she saw him, he smiled.
-Don’t be afraid of me, I found you bleeding on the floor and I brought you here.
When she heard that, she brought her hand to the head to see if she was injured. She realised that it was true.
-When you feel better, I will take you home.- said the man
don’t want to go home, I want to see if my girlfriend is alright. I
need to get information about what happened in the demonstration.
saw a girl standing next to you when you were unconscious. She went to
me, asking me if I would stand next to you while you were there.
Meanwhile she went to continue with the demonstration, I was waiting for
her for a long time but she didn’t appear, so I decided to bring you
here. I don’t know what happened to her.
was disappointed due to her couple didn’t help her when she was injured
and she didn’t want to know anything about her. She decided to sleep a
bit more because of her tiredness. When she woke up, the bot was already
there, taking care of her. They started speaking about their life while
they ate something and they felt very well each of them with the other.
boy was called John, and he was 23. He told Gemma his hard life that he
spent when he was a child, living in a small town near California. His
mother died when he was 5 and his father suicided when he was 7. Almost
all his life he spent in a orphanage and when he was 18, he was able to
live alone a new life, in London. Gemma was surprised with his story,
and she started to fall in love with John, forgetting completely Sarah.